The E-2 Investor Visa serves as an enticing prospect for New Zealand investors aiming to make a mark in the United States business landscape. As a special provision for nationals from treaty countries, including New Zealand, this non-immigrant visa permits them to funnel substantial capital into a U.S. enterprise and assume its operations. This blog post takes a closer look at the specifics of the E-2 Investor Visa with a particular focus on New Zealand investors, outlining its eligibility criteria, advantages, and application procedure.

A Closer Look at the E-2 Investor Visa

Tailored for foreign nationals wishing to invest a significant sum in a U.S. business, the E-2 Investor Visa bestows upon visa holders the privilege to reside in the U.S. and oversee the business. Plus, it provides the possibility for continuous renewals as long as the business remains functional.

Crucial E-2 Visa Requirements for New Zealand Investors

New Zealand investors aspiring to secure an E-2 visa need to fulfil the following primary criteria:

Substantial Investment: Investors need to make a considerable capital investment in a U.S. enterprise. Although no fixed minimum is stipulated, the investment should bear significance relative to the overall cost of the enterprise.

Ownership and Control: The investor should either possess at least a 50% ownership in the business and demonstrate operational control via a managerial role or equivalent corporate structure.

Non-Marginal Enterprise: The enterprise should not merely support the investor and their family. Instead, it should make a significant contribution to the U.S. economy, ideally evidenced by job creation.

Importance of Job Creation

Although not a direct requirement in E-2 visa regulations, creating meaningful jobs is a compelling way to show that your business is not marginal and substantially contributes to the U.S. economy. Positions that are full-time, offer sustainable wages, and positively influence the local economy are particularly beneficial.

Navigating the E-2 Visa Application Process as a New Zealander

Upon making your investment in a viable U.S. business venture, the journey of the E-2 visa application begins. As a New Zealand investor, you can apply directly at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in New Zealand. If you’re already in the U.S. under a valid status, you may be able to apply for a status change through the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Your application should include proof of your New Zealand nationality, evidence of your investment, specifics about the business operations, and a comprehensive business plan. Given the complexity of the E-2 visa process, it’s recommended to seek the assistance of an experienced immigration attorney.

The E-2 Investor Visa opens up a world of opportunities for New Zealand investors wishing to make a significant impact on the U.S. economy. By understanding the visa’s requirements and emphasising the pivotal role of substantial investment and job creation, the path to operating a thriving U.S. business becomes clear.

Please note: This blog is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For tailored guidance, it’s always best to consult with a knowledgeable immigration attorney based on your individual circumstances.