The E-2 Investor Visa is a nonimmigrant visa that allows foreign investors to enter the United States to develop and run their businesses. To qualify for this visa, investors must meet certain requirements and prove that their business will create jobs and stimulate the American economy. In this blog, we will discuss the qualifications for the E-2 Visa and the steps investors must take to apply.

First and foremost, to be eligible for the E-2 Visa, the investor must be a citizen of a country that has a treaty of commerce and navigation with the United States. This means that the country must have a diplomatic agreement with the United States that permits its citizens to participate in international trade with the U.S. Currently, over 80 countries have a treaty of commerce and navigation with the United States, including Canada, Mexico, Japan, and most of Europe.

Next, the investor must make a substantial investment in a U.S. business. There is no specific minimum investment amount required to qualify for the E-2 Visa, but the investment must be substantial enough to create jobs and stimulate the U.S. economy. Generally, the investment should be enough to cover the startup costs of the business, as well as provide working capital for the first few years of operation. A good rule of thumb is that the investment should be at least $100,000, but this can vary depending on the industry and the business plan.

In addition to the investment, the investor must also own at least 50% of the U.S. business. This means that the investor must have a controlling interest in the business and be able to make major decisions about its operation and management. The investor must also be actively involved in the business, either as a manager or as an executive.

The U.S. business must be a bona fide enterprise that is engaged in active commercial trade or services. This means that the business must be a real, legitimate enterprise that is actively engaged in producing goods or providing services. It cannot be a passive investment or a business that only exists on paper.

The business must also be able to generate enough income to support the investor and his or her family. This means that the business must have a viable business plan and be able to generate enough revenue to cover the investor’s living expenses and provide a reasonable return on investment. The investor must also be able to demonstrate that he or she has the necessary skills and experience to successfully run the business.

Finally, the investor must intend to leave the United States when his or her E-2 Visa expires. The E-2 Visa is a nonimmigrant visa, which means that it is temporary and does not lead to permanent residency or citizenship. The investor must have a clear plan for leaving the United States when the visa expires and must be able to demonstrate that he or she has ties to his or her home country that will compel him or her to return.

In summary, the E-2 Investor Visa is a great way for foreign investors to enter the U.S. market and develop their businesses. To qualify for this visa, investors must meet certain requirements and demonstrate that their business will create jobs and stimulate the American economy. If you are a foreign investor interested in applying for the E-2 Investor Visa, it is important to work with an experienced immigration attorney who can help you navigate the application process and ensure that your business meets all the necessary qualifications.