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Top 7 Reasons for E-2 Investor Visa Denial

The E-2 Investor Visa is a popular nonimmigrant visa that allows foreign investors to enter the United States to develop and operate their businesses. While the E-2 Visa offers many benefits, the application process can be complex, and there are several reasons why an application may be denied. In this blog, we will discuss the top reasons for E-2 Visa denial and how to avoid them.

  1. Insufficient Investment: To qualify for the E-2 Visa, an investor must make a substantial investment in a U.S. business. There is no specific minimum investment amount required, but the investment must be substantial enough to create jobs and stimulate the U.S. economy. If the investment is too low or is not sufficient to meet the requirements, the E-2 Visa application may be denied.
  2. Marginal Business: The U.S. business must be a bona fide enterprise that is engaged in active commercial trade or services. If the U.S. business is deemed to be marginal or not likely to succeed, the E-2 Visa application may be denied. A successful E-2 Visa application requires a viable business plan, with projections showing that the business will generate enough revenue to cover the investor’s living expenses and provide a reasonable return on investment.
  3. Inadequate Investor Qualifications: The investor must be able to demonstrate that he or she has the necessary skills and experience to successfully run the business. If the investor does not have the required qualifications or experience, the E-2 Visa application may be denied.
  4. Improper Documentation: The E-2 Visa application requires a significant amount of documentation, including business plans, financial statements, and other supporting materials. If the documentation is incomplete, inaccurate, or not properly formatted, the E-2 Visa application may be denied.
  5. Lack of ties to home country: The investor must intend to leave the United States when the E-2 Visa expires. If the investor cannot demonstrate strong ties to his or her home country, such as family or property, the E-2 Visa application may be denied.
  6. Criminal Record: If the investor or any of their immediate family members have a criminal record, the E-2 Visa application may be denied.
  7. National Security Concerns: In some cases, an E-2 Visa application may be denied due to concerns about national security or other similar issues.

To avoid these common reasons for E-2 Visa denial, it is important to work with an experienced immigration attorney who can guide you through the application process and ensure that all requirements are met. An attorney can help you identify potential issues and address them before submitting your application. With careful planning and preparation, you can increase your chances of a successful E-2 Visa application and start operating your business in the United States.

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